Corey Has Picked The Minds of Thousands of Thought Leaders…So You Don’t Have To


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"Corey is the man. Not only is he a man of many talents and achievements he has gone the extra mile to extract the gold from others and put it together into a powerful read that has such an incredible focus. YOU. Every person on the planet needs to read this book."

Anthony Trucks, Former NFL, American Ninja Warrior International Speaker Best Selling Author Founder of Identity Shift Coaching

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“Two powerful questions successful people ask often are Why and How. In his wonderful book, The Power of Why (and How), Corey Poirier shares wonderful insight and ideas to help you answer these questions to lead a more effective life. Corey also interviews many successful people and shares their wisdom as well. I have read the book and had trouble putting it down. If you want to create more abundance in your life then read this book!”

Coach Jim Johnson Author, A Coach and a Miracle

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“If you’re looking to create more abundance and have more meaning in your life, look no further than the Book of WHY (and HOW). Filled with exercises and first hand stories, this is a must read.”

Dr John Demartini International best-selling author of The Values Factor

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“Success can be elusive, but it can be found, and it’s easier when you know the secrets. This book is a gateway to many of those secrets.”

John Gray, New York Times best-selling author of Men are from Mars, Women Are from Venus

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"I was trying to land an interview spot on the popular show, Entrepreneurs on Fire. I know an interview on a show like that can change the game. I didn't realize the current application volume they were receiving was in the 300+ each month. I'm not sure how long it would have taken me to land my interview spot on the show, but Corey Poirier, with one connection, was able to help me jump the cue and immediately secure my spot on the popular show."

Mary Shores

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“Finding my why, my calling, was a massive part in me growing my brand to the point it is today. Corey’s new book, The Book of WHY (and HOW), will not only help you in finding your why, your specific calling, but also in taking the next steps once you determine your why. What I really love about this book is that it doesn’t just help you figure out what you were called to do, it also gives you actionable steps.”

Simonetta Lein, Millennial Influencer and Fashionista

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“Corey Poirier always has a message for me, and I found it in the pages of his book, “The Book of Why and How”. This book is so uplifting. Corey has an expert’s command of motivation, and I am always moved by his words. His stories have a resonance that is profound, original, and essential. As I read and learn from this book, Corey reveals to me my need to find, and to understand my own purpose. He is bold, funny, pragmatic and generous, and his brilliant way with sharing makes me a believer: in myself, in Corey, and in the unfolding, incredible world of possibilities.”

Bif Naked, Canadian singer-songwriter, actress, and motivational speaker

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“Congrats to the terrific Corey Poirier is That Speaker Guy is That Speaker Guy on the release of his newest book. It's titled, "The Book of Why (And How)" and knowing Corey it'll be fantastic!”

Bob Burg

“This book is a treasure map to the promised land of success. Corey teaches that, for the majority of us, success isn’t something you stumble upon; it’s a destination of your choosing through consistent action, a clear target and a plan fuelled by your unique passion. “

Dave Carroll, United Breaks Guitars, Hay House Author

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“Corey has discovered a new vitamin that may just be the most important one yet because of how it feeds your mind. It’s Vitamin P - for purpose, and in the Book of WHY(and HOW), Corey will help you get it so you can optimize your mind and create abundance in your lives.”

JJ Virgin, CNS, CHFS Celebrity Nutrition & Fitness Expert 4xNYT Bestselling Author including The Virgin Diet & The Sugar Impact Diet

“You owe it to yourself to learn from the best, and Corey Poirier brings the HEAT!.”?

John Lee Dumas, Entrepreneurs On Fire

“As Corey shows, with real life examples, if you can find your “Why” the how will take care of itself... though it doesn’t hurt to have the right strategies and Corey gives you those too. Discover how to create meaning, abundance and success and take your life and business to the next level.”

John Tighe, Amazon Bestseller System

“With the sports I do and teach I believe that visualization, goal setting and being purpose driven are key factors to success. Because success is a long term thing it’s important to build your way there and this book helps give you those tools to build your own success.”

Mitch Clark, Retired UFC Fighter

“I’m sure many of us have read (or even watched) “The Secret”. For lots of people this was a major turning point in their lives; for others (like me), that moment occurred when they read The Celestine Prophecy. If you think back to when you started to see the world with different eyes, I’m sure you will be able to pinpoint a specific book, movie, or even a conversation with a special person. For some, that turning point will be this (The Book of Why and How, by Corey Poirier) very book.”


"Corey has interviewed over 5,000 of the world's top performers, and reveals the secrets of achieving true success. This book is a must read for anyone who wants to take their business, career or life to the next level."

T Harv Eker, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind™

"I know from conversations with him that my father, Zig, and the Ziglar work, has had a big impact on Corey (Poirier). I think it's fitting that he is now having such a positive impact on so many others. As an interviewer and communicator, he truly is the 'real deal', and he is also always looking for opportunities to shine the light on others."

Tom Ziglar, Ziglar Inc.

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“I don’t know of anyone who has talked to more people than Corey Poirier. Corey hasn’t just talked to people, though; he’s asked important questions and, more importantly, listened closely to the answers. This makes Corey the most qualified person I can think of to write a book that has the potential to change the way future generations will live. We’ve heard people talk about finding their WHY, but not many people have asked the question: Why does it matter, really matter, for anyone to find their WHY and actually build their lives around living it? I’m excited to see this work published for a very selfish reason: When people quiet the noise in their heads, move through their fears and doubts, and live intentionally to become the fullest expression of who they were created to be, it positively influences the world in which we live. Because Corey has put this work out in to the world, I expect many blessings to come into my life. Thank you, Corey!”

Bruce Van Horn Author, Coach, Speaker, Thought Leader

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“Corey is on fire for purpose and his book challenges each of us to take our WHY to the next level!”

Dr John Izzo, Author of The Purpose Revolution

“With this new book, Corey has essentially distilled what he has learned over the years about how a person can tap into their purpose, the 4 WHYS that can transform your life, the timeless secrets he has learned interviewing so many thought leaders, and lessons for living a meaningful personal and professional life. I think you’ll find his new book very insightful in finding your mission and pursuing your dream, both for yourself and someone you know.”

James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy

“This book details the best practices to lead an extraordinary life intentionally. Poirier does an incredible job sharing the simple yet profound actions we all must take to become the best version of ourselves. When you lead an extraordinary life, countless others do so as a result.”

John R. DiJulius III, Best Selling Author of The Relationship Economy - Building Stronger Customer Connections in a Digital Age.

“The BOOK of WHY (AND HOW) is truly a book of WOW! For those looking to find your highest purpose --- this book is for you. For those who’ve already found your purpose but struggle to fully live into it --- this book is for you as well. I wish this book had been available in my youth and as such I am putting into the hands of my children and grandchildren. I encourage you to take this book in your hands and pass on it’s wisdom and tools to those you love.”

Joseph Michelli, Ph.D. – New York Times #1 bestselling author of books like The Starbucks Experience, Driven to Delight, and The New Gold Standard

“In my work with Mind Movies, I have been aiming to help people visualize and realize their dreams – whether those dreams be more financial abundance, more purpose, or a greater legacy. This book also contains a path to realizing those same dreams. Read it cover to cover unless you are completely happy with where you are today.”

Natalie Ledwell, Co-Founder of Mind Movies, and Best selling Author.

“In 2013, I published What Is Your WHAT? I wanted people to understand the power, and importance, of discovering the ONE amazing thing they were born to do. Now, in what feels like a continuation on this important theme, Corey Poirier brings us The book of WHY (and HOW). In this new book, Corey dives into the 4 why’s that hold the gateway to us discovering the secrets to abundance, shares secrets about living a meaningful life that he has discovered while interviewing thousands of the world’s top influencers, and includes original quotes by hundreds of those same influencers. It’s a unique format, and it works. If you want to impact more lives, achieve more abundance, all while living on purpose, don’t just read this book... implement what you learn and watch as your life (and business) transforms.”

Steve Olsher, New York Times best-selling author of What Is Your WHAT? Discover The ONE Amazing Thing You Were Born To Do Founder/Editor-In-Chief of Podcast Magazine